Our Water Reclamation Facilities use ultra-violet light for disinfection. This chemical-free process results in reclaimed water that can safely be recycled into local waterways or used for irrigation.
Here at BJWSA, our major water reclamation facilities meet a water quality standard that is referred to as “reuse water.” With advances in treatment technologies and federal Clean Water Act regulations, we now “reclaim” water from wastewater every day. This “reclaimed” water is not drinking water, but can be safely reused for irrigation and replenishing wetlands in the Great Swamp. All of our treatment processes protect public health and our local waterways.
BJWSA’s water reclamation facilities produce reclaimed water that meets very strict state and federal standards. Because of these safeguards, the quality of reclaimed water is almost at drinking water standards. The Cherry Point Water Reclamation Facility and Port Royal Island Water Reclamation Facility clean more than seven million gallons of wastewater a day that can be safely reused through irrigation.